There are many advantages to playing golf, from having an excuse to get outside regularly to enjoying the sport with your friends. However, for many golfers, once they leave the fairways and driving range, they are done with their golf practice. Another advantage of golf is that it is very easy to continue practicing at home to improve every aspect of your game. While the ultimate home option would be an indoor golf simulator, where you can practice as if you were on a driving range or golf course, there are basic drills every golfer can do at home to prepare for their next round. Below are five easy golf drills you can do at home.

Sofa Swing Practice

This simple but effective swing drill was made famous by golf legend Nick Faldo. You don’t need any equipment apart from a sofa or a flat surface below your knees. You then put your left hand over your right so that the backs of both hands are touching (opposite if you are left-handed) to create the same rotation and movement of a golf swing. You then lightly put your knees on the sofa, and as you swing back, your knees shouldn’t move, keeping you on the right swing plane. When you swing down and follow through, the right knee should slide towards the left knee. If you move your right knee too early, it will go into the sofa. A simple home drill that can be practiced anywhere.

One Handed Chipping

Unless you have a dedicated space to hit golf balls, foam golf balls are recommended to remove the risk of a wayward ball causing damage. Hold the club with your trail hand and gently swing to make contact with the ball. The purpose behind the drill is not to hit the ball hard but to get the right feel as your trail hand moves the club around you in a natural arc. The more you practice and get comfortable, the more solid the strike will be.

Two Ball Indoor Putting Drill

Putting is the most famous indoor golf drill, and a good putting mat is an affordable investment that all serious golfers should consider. If you don’t have a putting mat, then another simple drill is to practice your accuracy by putting between two golf balls. Start with the two balls close to you and move them away to make the drill harder. The distance between the two balls will also make the drill harder or easier. This drill can be done on any surface, but carpet is ideal as it best matches the surface of a putting green.

Head Against the Wall Putting

Another simple putting drill that can be done at home. A common issue amongst golfers is keeping their head still and over the ball when putting. Any head movement will make your shots much less consistent, affecting your scores. To work on this, put your head against the wall and the toe of your putter against the baseboard and start doing practice strokes. As you get used to the feeling of not moving your head, you can start hitting balls. For golfers who prefer an arc shot when putting, move the putter head slightly away from the baseboard on the takeaway. This drill will improve your putting consistency and help you avoid the bad habit of moving your head when putting.

The Hip Bump Drill

The difference between a good golf strike and a great one is how you use your hips. A common issue with many amateur golfers is starting the downswing with the arms instead of activating their lower body first. For this drill, you will need a large ball, such as an exercise or beach ball, and set the ball between your front hip and the wall. Then, cross your arms across your chest or use a club to make a full backswing. Before you initiate the downswing, push your front hip into the ball and then slowly follow through to impact. Repeating this drill will get you used to moving your hips first before the rest of your body moves, giving you more power in your swing.

If you can’t get to a driving range or golf course, practicing at home is a great way to improve your game. If you are looking for another way to practice without going outside, virtual golf simulators are a great alternative. Our GolfX locations will allow you to practice every aspect of the game on virtual simulators, play some of the most famous courses in the world, and, through our food and beverage options, make your practice session a social occasion.